Well done, you have found your electric vehicle destination.
To Wayfind is to navigate, direct, or route your course. It’s how you get oriented and that’s exactly what you do here for your electric vehicle. To start, we’d like to formally say, welcome to the family, we’ve been on dawn patrol for you and are ready for the strong electric tide rolling in. We know you live deliberately, you trust your gut, seek adrenalin and innovation, and are ready to join the rEVolution. You’re a driven, wise soul that is intentional with your time and money and that is why this is where you belong. Here, we are reckoning with electric and thinking radically different. We have distilled the whole EV experience for you. You buy, you sell, you build, you navigate this industry here; you are the captain and this is your electric helm. Leave the cheshire smiles, bad khakis, and slimy hand shakes to old automotive business models. Join us here in the professional, streamlined, and efficient fast lane. Join the Wayfind Way of buying, selling, and customizing electric vehicles. Let’s pull the ripcord and let this market fly.

We are Tyler and Maquelle Best. Husband and wife.
We built Wayfind on business purpose not a business plan. We are driven by discovery and we’ll stand by that. Wayfind speaks to us as we have navigated our way through life’s peaks and valleys. Tyler created an exit strategy to law school and I, Maquelle, left being a Trauma Nurse to start Wayfind together. We find commonplace and a niche between our love for cars and design, and our hunger for intentional and adventurous living. We’ve been raising babies, backpacking foreign lands, building homes, building cars, and living on the west coast. Now, we are nestling in on the mountain side, and throwing open the shop doors at Wayfind. We want to focus on making your life easier and better and we believe your vehicle can do just that. Let us show you.